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Who is behind the Institute?

About us

AFTERWORK CAMPUS is a division of the AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education GmbH

AIHE GmbH is a renowned, accredited institute for international higher education. Since 2011, it has been independently developing academic programmes on behalf of national and international universities and colleges and running them on their behalf with its own teaching staff. Students are enrolled at the partner universities and receive their Master’s degrees from them.

AIHE students are located all over the world and have an average age of 44. 60% of AIHE students are managers.

Prof. Dr. Andrea Gensel, the founder

Prof Dr Andrea Gensel (born 1963, 2 children, 2 grandchildren) has already founded four companies, all with a psychological focus. She sold three of them in 2018, including to the Asklepios Klinik Group (see www.gensel-group.de), to enable AIHE to grow globally. AIHE remains family owned.

Andrea Gensel has been coaching and advising executives and CEOs of German companies for 20 years in all matters relating to leadership, occupational psychology and psychotherapy. She has been teaching for 15 years with a focus on clinical psychology and psychological medicine.

We are particularly honoured that the communications legend, Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schulz von Thun , has been involved in the conception of the programmes and one of the further education programmes is even focused on his model. Prof. Dr. Schulz von Thun is a beautiful spirit, he can juggle with words, he is modest despite his extraordinary success and is also a person full of warmth. Dr. Andrea Gensel: “His suggestions and recommendations are worth their weight in gold. We are thankful to have been able to recruit him for our concept and our work, and every day we are grateful for it”.

The members of our Advisory Board, Dr. Raimund Mildner and the former Federal Education Minister and Minister-President Björn Engholm have been on board with the Gensel Group for 12 years. They are sparring partners with outstanding ideas who also offer motivation and criticism. Over the years, a close, warm friendship has developed.

We present the AIHE team to you here.

AIHE GmbH is certified style DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 since May 2021

The Advisory Board and those with an involvement in the Institute:
Dr. Raimund Mildner, former Minister-President and Federal Education Minister Björn Engholm
and Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schulz von Thun

Left to right: Dr. Raimund Mildner | Ministerpräsident a.D. Björn Engholm  | Prof. Dr. F. Schulz von Thun